Investing In Your Kitchen: Cost of a Kitchen Remodel
Download our extensive guide that breaks down the investment of a kitchen remodel based on size, materials, and specific wish list items to help determine an appropriate budget for your project.
At OHi we pride ourselves on our professional ability to get the job done and get it done right. Learn about what you need to look for when working with a professional.
For these Northbrook clients, the remodel was all about putting their stamp on their forever home. After moving into a home remodeled to the previous owners’ tastes, this couple decided to take control and design their own kitchen and bathroom oasis.
It wasn’t for all the bells and whistles that these clients sought out a remodel. Instead, it was to redesign their space to their liking and for their comfort. In the shower, this included removing a pebble effect our clients felt was pesky and uncomfortable. In the kitchen, updates not only allowed for the kitchen to be more aesthetically pleasing than before, but also allowed for surfaces to be more easily maintained than before. Sometimes, a simple facelift can go a long way in making a space feel personal and unique to the homeowner.
In the bathroom, the main adjustments were to the flooring and shower design. Previously, the shower had a pebbled floor and wall design in black. Not only did our clients feel the color choice was too dark, but they also detested the feeling of standing on a pebbled ground, which is why they replaced it was a smooth tile. In the kitchen, the previous design felt mismatched and featured granite countertops. Our clients didn’t want the hassle of resealing the countertops frequently in order to maintain them, which is why they switched to a quartz. They also replaced the backsplash and included a detailed accent wall behind the stove. This helped tie the new countertops and cabinets together.
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